Flowing Thoughts

Eyebrow Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

Bushy eyebrows have been on the coveted list of quite a few people in the past few years, and why not? Your eyebrows play an important role in framing your face...


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Symptoms, Causes, Effects and Treatment
PCOS is short for polycystic ovary syndrome and it usually affects women in their fertile years who are between 15 to 44...
Why Do You Have Severe Cramps a Week Before Your Period?
Food cravings, unusual mood swings and white discharge are a normal part of a period for many people. To an extent, some people even experience cramps a few days before their period...
How Do I Use Tampons, Pads, Period Underwear, and Menstrual Cups?
Under the umbrella of “feminine hygiene products”, you’d find tampons, pads, menstrual cups and period underwear. They are designed to collect or absorb your flow and keep you dry...
Do Hair, Skin, and Nail Vitamins Really Work? What Dermatologists Recommend
With the vitamin supplements market gaining traction, it becomes important to take a deep dive into what works and what doesn’t. Thanks to celebrity endorsements and social media....
Types of B vitamins: Functions, Sources, and Deficiencies
B vitamins are an essential set of eight nutrients that play a function in a variety of organs and body systems. Although they can collaborate to work for bodily...
Vitamins and Nutrients for Hair and Skin Growth
Probably most of us covet healthy-looking hair and skin, and you may be wondering if it’s worth investing in vitamins that promise wonders...
Biotin vs Collagen for Hair Growth: Which is right for your Hair, Differences, Benefits
Two of the most popular buzzwords in the beauty industry these days are biotin and collagen. While they may appear similar due to their promised benefits, taking a deeper look will reveal...
Perimenopause - Symptoms, Treatments & Premenopause vs Perimenopause
Menopause is not a phenomenon that happens all of a sudden one fine day. The body has to go through a transition phase termed as ‘menopausal transition’...
How to Insert a Menstrual Cup - Choose The Right Size
A menstrual cup is a reusable rubber or silicone cup that is inserted into the vagina. It collects the period blood without disrupting the pH of the intimate area...
Amenorrhea - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Despite the disruption in your everyday lifestyle that a regular menstrual cycle causes, it’s a sign that all is well with your body...
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) - Causes, Symptoms and Prevention
Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is an infection in any part of the urinary tract, comprising the urethra, urinary bladder or the kidneys. Such an infection is caused when microbes enter the body through the opening of the urethra...
How do we track Ovulation? Ovulation Predictor
Ovulation is the process of release of the egg from the female ovary, which may or may not be fertilized by a sperm. It usually occurs 4 days before or after the midpoint of one’s menstrual cycle and can last up to 3 - 6 days. It’s the best time to get pregnant and therefore...
Period Flu - What causes period flu, Symptoms & Treatment
Many of you may have heard about a thing called the ‘period flu’. While not a medical term, the period flu can be used to describe the body’s response...
10 Reasons to See a Dermatologist and Why it is Important
One day, you walk up to the mirror and notice brown spots on your face. Or, you brush your hair and your comb collects way more strands than it should...
How to Get Rid of Split Ends? Causes, Types of Split Ends
Split ends, also known as "trichoptilosis" or "schizotrichia" in the medical community, are the consequence of fraying or splitting of the hair fibre, most commonly near the strand's end.....
How to Protect Your Hair While Sleeping
if you thought your hair needed care only during the day, when the sun is strong and pollution is at its peak, you couldn’t have been more wrong...
How to Make a Hair Mask to Prevent Hair Fall?
Life, today, can make it hard to maintain your hair health and protect it from external and internal damage. And, hair fall can truly be a woman’s worst nightmare...
Eyelash Growing Hacks For Fuller, Longer Lashes
Fuller, thicker lashes are probably coveted by most women on this planet and why not? Healthy, long lashes can really enhance the beauty of your eyes...
How to Grow Hair Faster - Tips for Growing Longer Hair with Biotin
Long, healthy, and thick hair is probably a lot of people’s dreams but growing Rapunzel strands aren’t as easy as it looks on screen...
How to Make Your Hair Smell Good? - Tips to Make Your Hair Smell Amazing
Everyone likes their hair to smell nice, but many factors can add to a pungent-smelling head. Maybe you smell a great shampoo sometimes...