history of female orgasm

History of Female Orgasm: Cum Again?

The question involving female orgasm has been a matter of great bewilderment and has often been swept under throughout the history of human civilization. Not only has this matter been misunderstood and underreported, there is doubt over its ‘purpose’, given that the function of male orgasm is quite clear as it supports in the act of reproduction, whereas there is no explanation for the female orgasm.


In fact, it’s often stated that since female orgasms are not of any clear ‘help’ in the act of reproduction, studies are still being conducted to figure out its significance. But whether female orgasms hold any importance in the process of reproduction or not, it sure is interesting to know how orgasms in women materialized throughout history. 


History of Female Orgasm 

It is believed that it was Hippocrates, the ancient Greece doctor, who first came up with the idea that, in order to conceive a child effectively, there should be passionate and erotic love making between two individuals, resulting in orgasm for both the parties. In fact, it was also a belief during the early times that in order for conception to occur, both men and women would release their seeds during orgasm, which would aid in the process of conception, and thereby, reproduction. This belief held for long and we have reports that in the 17th century, it was widely believed that in order to make a woman pregnant, both the man and the woman had to experience orgasm

The Victorians then came up with the term “Hysteria” or “Wandering Womb” and was a diagnosis made to describe anything wrong with a woman. Everything from nymphomania to aggressive behavior was blamed on this and the one solution doctors then offered was to get a woman pregnant or they would stimulate the reproductive organs of a woman themselves. And even though this cured the mild “hysteria”, it obviously gave rise to exploitation of patients by doctors. Perhaps this was the reason the electronic vibrator was developed during this time. But due to lack of female empowerment, it was sold and marketed as a neck massager and pain reliever. 

Things started to develop in the 1900s when scientist Alfred Kinley’s sexual survey in the 1940s helped to demystify and debunk the rumors related to female orgasms. His survey showed that over 40% women achieved their first orgasm through masturbation and many got one from wet dreams. They also reported having multiple orgasms and the orgasmic capabilities in women rise till the age of 55-60. This of course was a remarkable study in the frankness, capabilities and range of female orgasms and opened the doors to newer possibilities and more studies in this area. 


Female Orgasm - Findings

Of course, saving grace came in the form of study published by Masters and Johnson in their valiant approach towards sex studies.

  • They concluded that there were four forms of the female orgasm- excitement stage, plateau stage, orgasmic stage and relaxation stage.
  • They also concluded that multiple orgasms in women were a thing and that orgasms in women lasted longer than in men.
  • Now studies have established orgasms to not only be an aid for reproduction but have cited several health benefits too like improving mood and emotional closeness, brain functions, immune levels, etc.
  • G-spots and the clit are no longer just myths but have been proven to be true. 

So even though we have been shy to talk about this or the idea perpetuating sex positivity for women, the world has made some major advancements in this field. Especially considering the health benefits of the same, maybe we should perhaps look at this in a positive light. 

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