Flowing Thoughts

Period Myths in India - Some Best & Worst Examples

Once a month, women bleed in a natural biological dance that signifies - “hey, no baby for you this time!” Simple? Well. yes. But over the decades, people have been incredibly innovative in interpreting what it could mean instead. 

We all have fond memories of our childhood. My best ones though, come with a pinch of salt. Because as I was growing up, I was constantly mocked and teased by my relatives and teachers about how short I was. Every time I topped my class, or when I was chosen...
How to be More Inclusive
Gender inclusivity is not limited to equal pay and equal rights. It includes the way we perceive others on the basis of gender, the ideas we attach to them, and the daily practices we follow. It is each person’s right to live and engage in an environment that is respectful...
India's acceptance of Homosexuality
The law can legislate and wise men in the courts can pass orders; but the real test of the acceptance of any verdict is in the court of the people and that of society at large. Public acceptance is everything. Especially when any law is passed that is regarded as contrary...
The darker side of womanhood
Switch on the television and browse through any Indian Channel. You’ll notice, and this is interesting, that every daily soap that you’ll come across has at least one female character who’s the devil incarnate. And it’s not just in the recent times
When women stand by women
She snoozed the alarm thrice before switching it off altogether. Her dreams were so much warmer than the marble floor. She was walking up the stage to receive her first Oscar for Best Actress. Without warning, the dream crashed...
The mother of all choices

I had my whole life planned out. Graduate, work for a couple of years, get an MBA, work as a consultant, travel far and wide, write, practice photography, work abroad for a few years...And it did not figure in a baby anytime soon.

The privilege of womanhood
Hypatia, arguably the first woman Astrologer, Philosopher and Mathematician, way ahead of her times, was rather brave to put forth her research on topics of religion and philosophy. She was a woman gifted with unnerving intelligence...
Till divorce does us apart
My wedding day was not the happiest day of my life. Don’t get me wrong. I was marrying my sweetheart and there is no one in the world I would rather be with. But on that day, all I could think of...