Flowing Thoughts

Watery White Discharge - What Causes White Watery Discharge?
Vaginal discharge is a healthy part of all menstruators and changes during different phases of the cycle. There are many types of vaginal discharge...
White Creamy Discharge - What is It , Shades, Treatment & Prevention
Vaginal discharge is a healthy part of a menstruator since the start of their cycle. The color and consistency of the discharge varies at different points...
Brown Vaginal Discharge - Reasons for Brown Discharge
Typically, brown vaginal discharge marks the presence of a brown liquid spotting in your underwear. Usually, this is just your period blood that is oxidized as it..
Egg White Discharge - What It May Mean, Shades, Is it normal?
Vaginal discharge is a normal part of every menstruator. From the start of your menstrual cycle, you will notice your vagina secreting fluids that change...