Keep ingrowns at bay with Carmesi Ingrown-Free Shaving Combo.
Ingrown Relief Combo: This combo includes 1 Ingrown Relief Serum, 1 Ingrown Relief Scrub, 5 Disposable Body Razors, and 1 Body Shaving Gel.
Smooth & Hydrated Skin: The Serum can be used after shaving to smoothen ingrown bumps and leave your skin moisturized.
No Trapped Ingrown Hair: Use the Scrub before shaving to unclog pores and release the hair trapped beneath the skin.
Effortless Shave: The Razors are enriched with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E, which helps lubricate the skin for an effortless glide.
No Razor Cuts: The rich, creamy formula of the Shaving Gel allows the Razor to move smoothly, preventing cuts.