Cystic Acne: What Is It, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Cystic Acne: What Is It, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What is cystic acne?

The most severe kind of acne is cystic acne, where cysts occur deep beneath your skin. A mix of germs, oil, and dry skin cells that become caught in your pores can cause this. The ailment most commonly affects the face, although it can also affect the upper body and upper arms.

Even though everyone can have acne, persons with oily skin are more likely to get cystic acne. Hormonal imbalances are also more frequent in adolescents, women, and older people. Cystic acne usually improves with age. The obstinate and painful pimples, on the other hand, refuse to go away on their own.

Why does it develop?

When an infection spreads deep into your skin, cystic acne develops, resulting in a pus-filled lump, which could potentially sting or irritate. When a cyst bursts, the infection spreads, resulting in further outbreaks. Doctors aren't sure what causes cystic acne, although androgens, or male hormones, are thought to have a role.

Your androgen levels rise throughout puberty or when you have hormonal imbalances in your body. This causes skin changes, which can contribute to blocked pores and acne.

There are a few factors that can bring about these changes, and they include:

How do you identify a blemish as cystic acne?

Cystic acne is not only the most dangerous type of acne, but it also has the biggest dimensions. It's also deeper beneath the surface of the skin and its head appears to float on top of the skin's surface.

Your cystic acne can look something like this:

  • A large, whitish bump that appears smooth on the surface
  • Looks like a big cyst that’s filled with pus
  • Redness and tenderness to touch

How do you treat them?

You may take steps to prevent them from growing worse at home. However, due to the severity of cystic acne, over-the-counter (OTC) acne treatments are ineffective. If you want to speed up the healing process, you'll probably need to see a dermatologist. However, there are a few things you may do to feel better:

Home remedies

  • Keep your face clean - After sweating and even when you don’t, wash your skin twice a day. Using your fingertips and a mild, lightweight foaming cleanser, clean the area. You can look into the Carmesi Foaming Face Wash, which works great for hormonal acne. Using lukewarm water, rinse.
  • Avoid physical exfoliants - Exfoliants and other irritating items should not be used on your skin.
  • Manage stress - Try to relax since stress causes your body to generate more hormones, which can exacerbate acne. Maintain a healthy way of living. Get enough rest and exercise. According to several studies, a low-glycemic, sugar-restricted diet can help alleviate symptoms.
  • Keep your hands off your face - Do not pick at cysts or pimples. You risk spreading the germs by pushing them deeper. Allow blemishes to heal on their own rather than popping or pressing them to avoid scarring.
  • Minimize sun exposure - Avoid the sun as much as you can because it may harm your skin.

Skincare and prescription remedies

  • Try birth control pills - The birth control pill, which reduces sebum production, can be used to treat acne in women for a long time. This approach is especially beneficial if you have acne cysts throughout your menstrual cycle because of hormonal variations. Estrogen is found in birth control tablets, and it can help balance overall hormone levels as well as minimise acne.
  • Look into prescription acne medications - You have a variety of medication alternatives, ranging from tablets to topical treatments, to help you manage your cystic acne. Speak with your doctor to obtain the best advice on the medicine that is right for you.
  • Try topical retinoids - Topical retinoids, like oral retinoids, are produced from vitamin A and operate by unplugging hair follicles to get rid of and prevent severe acne.

Will there be scarring?

Cystic acne, more than any other kind of acne, is the most prone to leave scars. By leaving all cysts alone, you can lessen the danger of scarring. This implies cysts cannot be picked or popped as picking can lead to the spread of the infection.

Although it's better to prevent cystic acne from scarring in the first place, there are several treatments that can help minimise the look of acne scars. However, it's critical to treat active acne first, then scarring, once the acne has been resolved.

To reduce the appearance of the scar, you can use chemical peels at home or seek treatment from a dermatologist.

When do you need to visit your dermatologist?

You'll need to contact a dermatologist to get rid of cystic acne in most situations. Your dermatologist is your greatest resource, whether it's for prescription medicine or surgical removal. Acne cysts are extremely challenging to cure at home. In addition to scarring, cystic acne can cause substantial scarring.

Apart from prescription medicines, your dermatologist can assist you in avoiding the recurrence of cystic acne. Remember that any new skincare program might take several months to provide noticeable benefits. Allowing the cysts to heal on their own can also help prevent them from returning.

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