Eyelash Growing Hacks For Fuller, Longer Lashes

Eyelash Growing Hacks For Fuller, Longer Lashes

Fuller, thicker lashes are probably coveted by most women on this planet and why not? Healthy, long lashes can really enhance the beauty of your eyes and make them look super aesthetic. But, your eyelashes may be falling out or not growing at their expected rate due to a lot of different reasons. So, let’s talk about why this may be happening and what you can do to get thicker, longer, dreamier lashes!


Why are your eyelashes not growing or falling out?

If you happen to notice your eyelashes falling out or stuck in their growth, these may be the reasons why:

  • Beauty habits that need to go - Forgetting to take off your makeup at night or not removing it properly can really make your eyelashes bear the full brunt of the deposited gunk. Also, some mascaras can dry out your lashes too much, making them brittle and prone to breakage. The trend of using heat to curl your eyelashes can also be potentially damaging to them.
  • Skin cancer that affects your eyelids - If you're lacking lashes on one side of your eyelid but have normal fringe on the other, visit a doctor right immediately since cancers on the eyelid can cause eyelash development to be interrupted as the hazardous cells spread. Because they're so tough to get rid of, the sooner you can do it, the better.
  • Alopecia - Doctors think that this condition causes the body to attack its own hair follicles, resulting in full, partial, or periodic hair loss. While there is currently no cure for alopecia, a doctor can prescribe medications that may speed up hair regeneration.
  • Inflammatory diseases that have been around - Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, like alopecia, are autoimmune illnesses that attack healthy cells and tissues in blood vessels, joints, and organs. Because these internal disorders don't always manifest themselves externally, it's crucial to pay attention to subtle but apparent changes, such as hair and lash loss, that might indicate something more serious.
  • Blepharitis - There's a good possibility you have blepharitis if your lashes are itching and both lids are red and swollen. One of the most prevalent causes of lash loss, blepharitis blocks oil glands around the base of the eyelashes, which can cause persistent inflammation and follicle malfunction, halting lash development.


Best eyelash growing hacks for fuller, longer lashes

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make your eyelashes grow back or appear fuller and thicker:

  • Use Castor oil - While castor oil has been praised and criticized for its ability to encourage hair development, one thing is certain: it will help moisturize your eyelashes, making them seem thicker and lusher.
  • Try an eyelash enhancing serum - You've certainly heard a lot about eyelash serums that can help you grow longer lashes, and while there are many different types in the market, you'll want to pay attention to the ingredient list to pick the best eyelash development serums.
  • Go for vitamin E oil - Vitamin E oil has long been used to help eyelashes become stronger and more moisturized. While research hasn't conclusively established that it increases hair growth, many people swear by its efficacy.
  • Try coconut oil - Virgin coconut oil is not only safe to use around your eyes as a cosmetic, but it's also a terrific moisturizer and strengthener for your lashes. In fact, according to one research, using coconut oil before and after washing your hair can actually help reduce protein loss.
  • Apply some mascara - There are several mascaras that not only enhance the appearance of your lashes while you wear them but also encourage their development over time. Look for mascaras that provide volume and are designed to lengthen short lashes.
  • Dab some green tea - Green tea is high in antioxidants, which may help to improve your general health, and applying a small amount of cold green tea to your lash line can help to encourage eyelash development.
  • Aloe vera works wonders - Aloe vera's major benefit as an eyelash growth hack is the moisture it may give. Maintaining hydration of the lashes encourages hair follicular growth and can result in a better lash.
  • Groom your lashes - Use a clean eye brush or comb to brush your lashes twice a day. Eyelash brushing using an eyelash brush on a regular basis will encourage eyelash development and make lashes appear longer and fuller.
  • Try omega-3 fatty acid supplements - Omega-3 fatty acids may be found in a variety of foods, including mackerel, oysters, salmon, and even chia and flax seeds. They may also be found in dietary supplements such as fish oil capsules, where they supply essential oils for eyelash health.
  • Give biotin supplements a go - Biotin is a type of vitamin that has been shown to host a range of benefits for your hair. Naturally, this includes your eyelash hair, which should potentially benefit from biotin supplements. If you’re looking for a good one, try the Carmesi 100% Plant-Based Biotin, which is great for improving your hair growth and controlling breakage.

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