Implantation Timing, Signs, and Symptoms  | Bleeding, Cramps, and More

Implantation Timing, Signs, and Symptoms | Bleeding, Cramps, and More

Conversations regarding womanhood are not devoid of the term “implantation”. However, the choice and agency to choose implantation is something that needs great emphasis. Greater than this should be the awareness about implantation, which involves various complexities.

Simply put- during early pregnancy, a fertilized egg cell comes in contact with the uterus wall, which is called implantation. Post two weeks of your sexual intercourse, you are ready for the revelation. Is your body ready to conceive or does your period start again? If the answer to this is the former, you must learn a few things, which will help you in the journey thereafter.

When a fresh cycle starts after your period, the uterine lining thickens as a reciprocation to your increasing levels of estrogen and your ovaries release a mature egg while negotiating this fluctuation. A well-timed intercourse increases the scope of an egg being fertilized. Irrespective of the fertilization, the ovulated egg goes down the fallopian tube, which ultimately leads to the uterus. The uterine lining thus receives implantation better.

Implantation Timing

Ovulation generally happens before 14 days of the Menstruation cycle. In the process, an egg is released from any one of the ovaries (left or right). Thereafter, it is alive for approximately 24 hours unless fertilized. This means that if you are planning on implantation, the intercourse needs to be roughly calculative, close enough to this timeline.

Another point to be noted is that sperm generally lives for 4 to 7 days inside the female body. When it meets an egg in the due course, it breaks the surrounding barriers of the egg for fertilization. Hence, the fertilized egg finally reaches the uterus in a few days. So, it is safe to say that, after 6-10 days of the egg being fertilized, implantation occurs!

Signs and Symptoms of implantation

  1. Nausea: Nausea is an extremely common sign of implantation. It comes uninvited and happens quite often. Since implantation leads to an increased level of progesterone, it causes nausea. It is quite common around the time you miss your period. Studies have shown that the slow down of digestion caused by progesterone also leads to signs of nausea. It is advised that you do not consume food with a strong smell since this can worsen your ‘morning sickness’.
  1. Spotting (Bleeding): There have been extensive studies on implantation bleeding. Many specialists claim that bleeding is not very common but the scope of its occurrence cannot be negated. A study tells us that in the first trimester, bleeding is found among up to 25% of women. Although in such a case, women are bound to confuse this with regular menstruation bleeding. However, you must note that this bleeding occurs before the date of the period. Another point to be mindful of is that the color of implantation bleeding ranges from brown to light pink. While normal bleeding would flow, you may witness implantation bleeding as spots. You can wipe this spot off as opposed to wearing pads while menstruating.
  1. Headaches and Mood Swings: Headaches and Mood Swings are other common signs. Since the hormone level fluctuates, this can often cause mood swings and headaches. There is a rapid rise in the level of estrogen and progesterone, which results in such symptoms.
  1. Discharge: You must be aware of the discharge that comes out of your vagina during implantation. You are bound to witness some cervical mucus changes during this time. The cervical mucus will be slippery and stretchy during the time of ovulation. These will be clear in texture. Once the implantation occurs, the mucus might be white in color and have a ticker texture. Since a range of factors affects cervical mucus, a smarter way would be to study your cervical mucus otherwise; so that when the pregnancy cycle starts, the difference in its form becomes a clearer indicator.
  1. Cramping: Cramps are another common symptom. The rapid change in the flow of hormones causes cramps. Many women have expressed cramping during the time of implantation. During periods, the intensity of these cramps is much higher. Hence, a similar but low-intensity feeling may take place during implantation. If you get severe cramps, you can use Carmesi’s Cramp Relief Air Activated Heat Patches to soothe your cramps with ease.
  1. Tendering of breasts: The rise in levels of estrogen, HCG, and progesterone may affect the texture of your breasts. Your breasts might become tender during implantation. There have been cases where women have had this feeling when they weren’t pregnant, however, during early pregnancy, tendering of breasts is prominent.


You must have realized by now that implantation is not an easy process. While many women are able to conceive in an uninterrupted manner, for many, the task remains challenging. When you are actually putting in efforts to conceive, waiting for two weeks to get a positive test result can feel like an eternity. Whatever the case, the right knowledge about the same is something that no one should do away with.

Taking a pregnancy test is always advisable. Keep your doctor in the loop whenever you feel anything out of the ordinary. Look for these symptoms and do not hide what you are feeling. Sharing your signs with your spouse, family, and your doctor is the key to a better approach to conceiving. You must keep calm, have patience, and above all, keep a healthy lifestyle. Take enough care of your body and indulge in mind-refreshing activities, especially when you are planning for a baby!

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