Flowing Thoughts

Intimate Hygiene - How to Take Care of Intimate Hygiene ?
A woman’s body undergoes a series of hormonal changes throughout her menstrual cycle, and even post that. You may have thought of ‘life after periods’ to be a bed of roses, but that’s not true, ladies! Once a woman enters the menopausal stage, there are dramatic shifts...
Early Period - Reasons For Early Period & Ways to Manage it
When Aunt Flo comes knocking before time, we don't really welcome her with open arms. While some women may panic on getting their period before the expected date, most of the times, there’s really no reason to be concerned. Each woman’s...
Superiority Complex - Meaning, Effects and Example
What is a Superiority Complex? It applies to anyone who has an exaggerated sense of their own importance, a feeling that they are much above the rest of their peers. It may stem from arrogance or ideas of infallibility in their own...
Period Myths in India - Some Best & Worst Examples

Once a month, women bleed in a natural biological dance that signifies - “hey, no baby for you this time!” Simple? Well. yes. But over the decades, people have been incredibly innovative in interpreting what it could mean instead. 

Nutrition & Body Positivity
 Our culture is seemingly obsessed with washboard abs and skinny waists that seem too good to be true. These perceived ideals of beauty have taken over our lives, so much so that nutrition and being fit have almost always been ignored.
Seed Cycling - What is it, Working & Benefits
As the name suggests, Seed Cycling is all about consuming a variety of seeds at different times of the month to balance certain hormones in your body. A naturopathic remedy, Seed Cycling helps in regulating estrogen in the first half of your menstrual cycle, and...
How to Protect Your Hair From Sun Damage?

The outside world can be harsh, even on your skin and hair. We often wear sunscreen to protect our skin from the sun and cleanse as well as tone it later to...

Do Trans Woman Have Periods?
Gender doesn’t have to be black or white. The idea that gender has to be binary i.e. either male or female is a social construct, just like the idea that periods are experienced merely by women and are a symbol of ‘womanhood’ is.
What are the Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Your Underarms?
Underarms have been a perpetual worry for many people on this planet. How do you make them less sweaty? What do you do when they get dark? Should you wax or shave......
8 Underwear Rules to Live by for a Healthy Vagina

Did you know that August 5th happens to be National Underwear Day? Sure, an underwear retailer started this day in 2003 and probably in the hope of boosting his sales...


How to Get Rid of Split Ends? Causes, Types of Split Ends
Split ends, also known as "trichoptilosis" or "schizotrichia" in the medical community, are the consequence of fraying or splitting of the hair fibre, most commonly near the strand's end.....
How to Make a Hair Mask to Prevent Hair Fall?
Life, today, can make it hard to maintain your hair health and protect it from external and internal damage. And, hair fall can truly be a woman’s worst nightmare...
Menstrual Sponge: What Is Sea Sponge and How to Use It, Pros & Cons
With sustainability on the rise, people are getting more conscious about the environment and how much waste is being contributed by them. One of the biggest waste generators...
Dry Skin on Legs: Causes and How to Find Relief from Dry, Flaky Legs
Dry skin can plague any person at any time, especially during colder weather. Your legs can become especially dry due to a lot of a variety of reasons and itchy, flaky...
Dark Circles Under Eyes - Causes and How to Treat it
Men and women both have dark rings under their lower eyelids, and these can be the result of a variety of factors. Dark circles, which are often accompanied by...
Natural Remedies for PMS Symptoms
Premenstrual Syndrome, commonly known as PMS, has tortured women for centuries.But you don’t necessarily have to give in to the woes of PMS. Here are some natural remedies that can help relieve the symptoms.
Armpit Rash and Irritation - How to Get Rid of an Armpit Rash
With the armpit skin being much thinner, the area gets easily irritated and can break out into rashes. They can either be scaly and whitish or bumpy and reddish...
Menarche - The Key Facts About First Period
In a typical household in India, the subject of menstruation is rarely discussed. No wonder, most girls get alarmed or paranoid when they get their first period, commonly called menarche. It is time to make them aware of what menstruation is, and how to tackle it every month.
Breastfeeding & Menstruation | What You Need to Know
Pregnancy sure comes with its own set of shenanigans, but the one joy it definitely brings is a break from your period cycle. But did you know that your periods will take a while to return even after childbirth? 
Period Pain - 8 Natural Remedies for Period Pains

Menstrual cramps generally occur when muscles of your womb contract and relax to shed the uterine lining. For some, the cramps are severe enough to interfere with their day-to-day activities, while for others, it is under control. Here are some natural ways to fight...

How to lose Pregnancy Weight - Thinks to remember
Motherhood is certainly one of the most cherished occasions of a woman’s life. And while there are several myths around pregnancy, the biggest one is to stuff yourself all the time and “eat for two”! Of course, your baby needs nutrients to grow in a healthy manner...