A woman’s body undergoes a series of hormonal changes throughout her menstrual cycle, and even post that. You may have thought of ‘life after periods’ to be a bed of roses, but that’s not true, ladies! Once a woman enters the menopausal stage, there are dramatic shifts...
Menopause is not a phenomenon that happens all of a sudden one fine day. The body has to go through a transition phase termed as ‘menopausal transition’...
For a woman, bleeding every month during her reproductive years is admittedly not the most enjoyable experience. Added to that is the various confusing and infuriating things that one’s vagina throws up...
As you approach your late 40s or 50s, your body entersperimenopause, defined as the menopausal transition phase. During this time, you may haveirregular...
Menopause is quite a significant time in a woman’s life and managing the symptoms can be quite challenging at times! How much knowledge do you have? Check out this guide for all the info!