Flowing Thoughts

Irregular Periods - Causes, Treatment and What is PCOS?
Punctuality is not my strongest trait. And so, I am usually quite forgiving if left waiting in the lobby. But if my Periods don’t show up on time, all hell breaks loose. Most women experience irregular periods at some point...
Menarche - The Key Facts About First Period
In a typical household in India, the subject of menstruation is rarely discussed. No wonder, most girls get alarmed or paranoid when they get their first period, commonly called menarche. It is time to make them aware of what menstruation is, and how to tackle it every month.
Breastfeeding & Menstruation | What You Need to Know
Pregnancy sure comes with its own set of shenanigans, but the one joy it definitely brings is a break from your period cycle. But did you know that your periods will take a while to return even after childbirth? 
Period Pain - 8 Natural Remedies for Period Pains

Menstrual cramps generally occur when muscles of your womb contract and relax to shed the uterine lining. For some, the cramps are severe enough to interfere with their day-to-day activities, while for others, it is under control. Here are some natural ways to fight...

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - PMS Explained
About one to two weeks before you are due to bleed, a group of physical and emotional symptoms can affect you, that usually go away when your period...
10 Good Hygiene Practices For A Germ-Free Period
According to UNICEF (a United Nations agency), every month, 1.8 billion people across the world menstruate. Millions of these girls, women, transgender men...
Benefits of Tracking Menstrual Cycles
While ‘Periods-can’t-be-your-best-friends’ Syndrome is common among us womenfolk, we can make life much simpler by following just one trick. Yes girls, we all know how Aunt Flo unexpectedly comes knocking at the door and leaves you feeling down and out...
Period Pain - Causes, How to manage Period Cramps & More
Every month, a female body with a functioning reproductive system releases an egg from the ovary that plants itself in the uterus. When no fertilization occurs...
Can You Get Your Period and Still Be Pregnant in the First Month?
Menstruation or periods is a phenomenon that occurs in every female with a properly functioning reproductive system...
Things you Should Know About Periods
Do not start with the ‘Ugh! That’s disgusting.’ We all know how much you boys like your Zombie movies and post-apocalyptic video games. So why is it so hard to stomach our period stories? Strap up boys because this, you NEED to read.
Guide To Understanding Irregular Periods
Irregular periods is a condition that results when the length between two menstrual cycles is more than 35 days or if the duration of the period varies too often. This phenomenon is also called...
Remember your First Period?
Every woman will remember that time in her life when Aunt Flo visited for the very first time. It is an unforgettable milestone and heralds one’s transition into womanhood and no one ever forgets the shock and awe they experienced upon getting their first period...
Educating Sons About Women's Health
Yes, you read that right. A woman’s health is not only her business but also of everyone else in her life, including the men. You must have read or heard that bit about a happy woman making a happy home. Let us rephrase that – a healthy woman makes a happy home.
Importance of Natural Period Wear
Our lives today revolve around green smoothies, working out in the gym, or counting calories. While this is a great step towards a healthier lifestyle, there are other pertinent issues that we continue to neglect, including natural period wear.
The Period Talk

I have tried to be friends with my Period, but the bloody thing makes it so difficult to have a conversation that’s not laden with heartfelt abuses, that I give up after a few attempts. But I bet if my Period could talk...


The 'To NOT Do' Period List
Periods are not a happy time of the month. It’s stressful, painful, emotionally turbulent, and physically excruciating. Which is why, we have compiled a list of what not to do during your periods to make them sail smoother.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) - What is it, Causes & Treatment

I can feel myself falling into a deep well of sadness. I burst into tears over the smallest things and sometimes, for nothing at all. I feel alone, depressed, unloved, unhappy and consumed by dark, miserable thoughts.

Menstrual Migraine - What is it, Causes, Treatment
If you are a migraine patient, you probably know the symptoms. But if you aren’t, and have been observing these symptoms on a select few days of the month, it’s time to take a look at your calendar and ask yourself these questions.
Early onset of Puberty and why you should care
Usually, girls reach puberty by the age of 10 to 14. But, the number of girls reaching puberty by the age of 7 or 8 has seen a steady rise in the last few years...This is likely to have a negative impact on health and psychology of the young girls.
Simple Yoga Postures to beat Menstrual Cramps
Being a woman is full of both fun and horrific surprises. One moment you could be walking down the street enjoying a beautiful day... and the next minute you are blasted out of your smugness with a cringing pain in the stomach.
Reading into the Reds
Menstruation, although widely despised, can offer a deep insight into one’s health. Like our routine tests, the color of our period blood is also an indication of what our body’s trying to tell us.