Flowing Thoughts

Benefits of Pubic Hair | How to Remove Pubic Hair Women ?
After you hit puberty, it is normal to grow a bushel down there, but most of us are not fond of it. In fact, in one particular study, it was found that 95% of men...
When Does Puberty End for Girls? - Changes During Puberty
As you transition from childhood to adulthood, your body and mind undergo a huge change. You may notice the following changes in your body as you near...
Pimple Positivity - The Rise of Acne Positivity Movement
What is perhaps simply an accumulation of dirt and grit in the subcutaneous glands can be a cause of great worry to some people. Pimples have always been considered the most unflattering feature one can possess. But having said that, let’s not forget that they are the most...
Puberty Body Changes: Common Puberty Symptoms
Puberty is the process or a series of events which transforms a child into an adult. It is a period of significant changes, physical, emotional as well as...
Male Puberty - Signs, Stages and Sexual Maturity
Female puberty has been oft-discussed, especially since it marks the beginning of menstruation. But even our male counterparts undergo several changes in their bodies when puberty strikes. For instance, a boy’s body beefs up, his voice turns heavier... 
Delayed Puberty (for Teens) - Meaning, Causes, Treatment
Puberty is an oft-heard word that most of us are familiar with! It is when a girl starts to develop breasts and then starts her period after two to three years. If a girl shows no signs of breast development by the age of 13, it means that her puberty is delayed...
Remember your First Period?
Every woman will remember that time in her life when Aunt Flo visited for the very first time. It is an unforgettable milestone and heralds one’s transition into womanhood and no one ever forgets the shock and awe they experienced upon getting their first period...
The Period Talk

I have tried to be friends with my Period, but the bloody thing makes it so difficult to have a conversation that’s not laden with heartfelt abuses, that I give up after a few attempts. But I bet if my Period could talk...


Early onset of Puberty and why you should care
Usually, girls reach puberty by the age of 10 to 14. But, the number of girls reaching puberty by the age of 7 or 8 has seen a steady rise in the last few years...This is likely to have a negative impact on health and psychology of the young girls.