Flowing Thoughts

Sustainable is Attainable 
From using cloth pads to the widespread use of sanitary napkins in the 19th century, women have experienced significant changes in how they manage menstruation. In recent times, it has been observed that using sanitary napkins can create more waste...
Can Teens Use a Menstrual Cup? | Best Menstrual Cup for Teenagers
Puberty in women, usually starts around the time a girl hits 8 years of age, when she starts developing breasts. And just as she reaches this milestone, it’s not long before she experiences her first menstrual cycle. And throughout the course of this transition into womanhood...
Menstrual Cup: Modern Woman's need to Cupvert
It’s no wonder that whosoever thought of the idea of inserting a device in a woman’s vagina for collecting the blood, back in the early 1900s, was definitely a maverick way ahead of their times and were heavily...