Vitamins and Nutrients for Hair and Skin Growth

Vitamins and Nutrients for Hair and Skin Growth

Probably most of us covet healthy-looking hair and skin, and you may be wondering if it’s worth investing in vitamins that promise wonders. While diet happens to be the best way to ensure you’re meeting your nutritional needs, looking to fulfil deficiencies with supplements can be quite beneficial for you.

Certain vitamins and other nutrients are capable of boosting your hair growth, improving your skin quality and promoting overall well-being. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the important vitamins and nutrients that are essential for gorgeous hair and glowy skin.


Your must-try list of vitamins and nutrients for skin and hair growth

While celebrity endorsements and social media promotions can be enough to tempt you into investing in vitamins, it’s always best to consult a doctor before commencing your supplement journey. 

Regardless, here’s a list of beneficial vitamins and nutrients that promotes healthy hair and skin improvements.

  • Biotin - Biotin, often known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is a water-soluble vitamin that enhances keratin structure in the body and is essential for hair maintenance. Though it is used in many topical treatments, doctors believe it is most effective when taken orally. You can find biotin in foods like whole grains, avocados, seafood, nuts and beans. If you feel you’re short of biotin, or are looking to improve your hair health, try the Carmesi 100% Plant-Based Biotin.
  • Vitamin A - Vitamin A is a superb antioxidant and skin food. It improves the quality of the skin and the pace of cell regeneration while delaying the ageing process. Vitamin A also helps the production of an oily substance called sebum by the skin glands, which moisturises the scalp and preserves hair health, and a diet deficient in vitamin A can lead to a variety of problems, including hair loss. Consume more eggs, milk, carrots, cod liver oil and spinach, which are great sources of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin E - Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant that protects your skin from UV damage and pollutants. Its antioxidant capabilities prevent free radicals from entering the body and reduce the ageing process, thus boosting the appearance of your skin. It may also be used to restore damaged hair and make it more lustrous and silky. Eat corn, spinach, sunflower oil, nuts and avocado to meet your vitamin E requirements. You can also find capsules of vitamin E, which is extremely common.
  • Vitamin C - This water-soluble vitamin helps your skin stay young by improving suppleness and reducing wrinkles. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects the skin from harm, and a lack of it can cause hair loss. It aids in the manufacture of collagen, a protein component of the hair structure that strengthens hair follicles and protects them from damage, and, it also helps the body absorb iron, which is necessary for hair development. In fact, a 2013 research revealed that after four months, participants who took a vitamin E and C supplement had reduced dryness and tighter, brighter skin. You can meet your vitamin C requirements from citrus fruits, peppers, spinach and kiwi.
  • Vitamin D - Inadequate amounts of vitamin D can cause skin issues since it promotes skin cell metabolism and helps the skin develop and heal itself. It can also aid in the treatment of persistent inflammation, which can cause eczema, acne, and other skin irritations. In fact, a 2010 research article revealed that using a lotion or cream containing vitamins D and E on atopic dermatitis might make it better. You can find vitamin D in salmon, tuna, milk, cereal and swordfish.
  • Vitamin B12 - Vitamin B12 may have a role in hair health, according to some studies, and having adequate vitamin B12 is vital for general health. Although there is minimal evidence linking variations in B12 levels to hair loss or retention, you should get enough of it to keep your body in good shape. Eat dairy products and meat to ensure proper levels of vitamin B12 in your body.
  • Collagen - This protein is necessary for maintaining skin elasticity and nail health. Collagen supplements have been demonstrated in studies to help minimise the indications of ageing and enhance skin moisture and suppleness. In terms of hair health, collagen's antioxidant qualities are supposed to shield hair from free radicals that can cause damage, but research on its usefulness in preventing hair damage is limited. Include more garlic, berries, egg whites, citrus fruits, red and yellow vegetables and fish to improve your collagen intake.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for strengthening the hair shafts, preventing hair loss,  and aiding regeneration by improving blood circulation and scalp moisture. They also improve the skin's moisture holding power, which helps to postpone the ageing process and prevent wrinkles. According to a 2005 research article, EPA, a form of omega-3 found predominantly in fish oil, aids in the blocking of ultraviolet-induced enzymes that eat away at your skin's collagen, creating wrinkles and drooping. Because the body can not create Omega 3, it is necessary to add it to your diet or take supplements. Consume more nuts, seeds and fish oil to improve your omega-3 intake.
  • Hyaluronic acid - A naturally occurring element, hyaluronic acid aids in the maintenance of your body's moisture levels. While it is widely available in topical skincare products, it has been demonstrated to increase skin hydration, especially in persons with dry skin, when taken orally. Soy-based foods, bone broth, leafy green vegetables and nuts and seeds are great sources of hyaluronic acid.
  • Iron - Iron serves as a conduit for oxygen to reach the scalp and hair follicles, and a lack of it can lead to brittle, lifeless hair. Anaemia, which is a disorder caused by a lack of iron in the body, is a major cause of hair loss. Have more whole grains, tofu, nuts, fish and spinach to meet your body’s iron requirements.
  • Zinc - Zinc is found in many acne-fighting face cleansers and spot correctors, and some studies show that taking it orally might help with inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea and acne, among others. Zinc aids in the production of the body's natural oils, resulting in smooth skin and the prevention of dandruff. It can be found in cashews, mushrooms, chicken, spinach and pumpkin seeds.

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