Flowing Thoughts

Facial Hair Growth in Women
Women have kept a secret from society. It’s so confidential that we often don’t even share it with our peers and loved ones. What’s that secret? Facial and body hair.Something as trivial as hair can be a cause of great anxiety, and hence, women tend to keep it a secret and keep clearing their facial hair...
Sleeping Nude - Benefits of Sleeping Naked
Sleeping naked might not be on your list of priorities, but there are pretty good reasons why it should. It has amazing health benefits that are pretty hard to ignore once you learn about them.....
What are the Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Your Underarms?
Underarms have been a perpetual worry for many people on this planet. How do you make them less sweaty? What do you do when they get dark? Should you wax or shave......
How to get smooth armpits naturally - 5 Tips For Beautiful, Healthy & Smooth Underarms
If you were to get three wishes, would one of them be smooth underarms? Imagine the time spent shaving or waxing your underarms and devising ways to make them less sweaty and odour-free.....
Body Positivity: How to Manage Weight Without Hating Your Body?
Body positivity is a buzzword in recent times and has, of late, become a word we see almost everywhere out there. To be body positive is to love yourself just the...
Pimple Positivity - The Rise of Acne Positivity Movement
What is perhaps simply an accumulation of dirt and grit in the subcutaneous glands can be a cause of great worry to some people. Pimples have always been considered the most unflattering feature one can possess. But having said that, let’s not forget that they are the most...
What does it take to be Body Positive?
36-24-36. Women have always been defined by this predetermined body shape. But have you ever wondered, who determined this size as the ideal body type? And, why this size only? Why only 24, why not 26 or 28?...