Flowing Thoughts

Why Chocolate May Not be Your Best Friend during Periods?
Periods are a natural function of the human body, however, we know how taxing they can be at times! From Cramps to mood swings, things can get incredibly tough!...
Is It Just A Period Cramp Or Do You Have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
Period cramps are a regularly occurring phenomenon as long as menstruation is concerned. These cramps that originate in our vagina are a direct result of the...
Are Blood Clots Normal During a Period?

Periods can bring a lot of uncomfortable symptoms and some of them may even end up worrying you. Blood clots may be one such cause for worry...


10 Facts About Your Period

About half of the population bleeds and yet, periods remain one of the least discussed topics, thanks to period shaming and myths. We agree that...


Period Underwear: 10 Reasons to Switch to Period Panties
Bleeding may be an inevitable part of your life, but the discomfort doesn’t have to be. While treating PMS requires a different approach, period underwear...
White Discharge Before Periods: Causes and Things to Know!
The colour and consistency of vaginal discharge vary throughout the month as part of the normal menstrual cycle. Many women get a thick, creamy white discharge prior to their period...
Amenorrhea - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Despite the disruption in your everyday lifestyle that a regular menstrual cycle causes, it’s a sign that all is well with your body...
Menarche - The Key Facts About First Period
In a typical household in India, the subject of menstruation is rarely discussed. No wonder, most girls get alarmed or paranoid when they get their first period, commonly called menarche. It is time to make them aware of what menstruation is, and how to tackle it every month.
Breastfeeding & Menstruation | What You Need to Know
Pregnancy sure comes with its own set of shenanigans, but the one joy it definitely brings is a break from your period cycle. But did you know that your periods will take a while to return even after childbirth? 
Spotting - Should You be Concerned?
For a woman, bleeding every month during her reproductive years is admittedly not the most enjoyable experience. Added to that is the various confusing and infuriating things that one’s vagina throws up...
Fibroids - Types, Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment
While there are several menstrual disorders that a woman might come across in her life, fibroids are rather common. Also referred to as myomas, uterine myomas, or fibromas, these are generally abnormal growths in a woman’s uterus... 
Managing PMS Cravings
You might be a fitness-conscious person who sticks to healthy food and follows an exercise regime, but when PMS wreaks havoc, it’s hard to stay focused. Celery and carrot sticks give way to humungous bowls of pasta or ice-cream, and you end up feeling miserable...
Importance of Natural Period Wear
Our lives today revolve around green smoothies, working out in the gym, or counting calories. While this is a great step towards a healthier lifestyle, there are other pertinent issues that we continue to neglect, including natural period wear.
The Period Talk

I have tried to be friends with my Period, but the bloody thing makes it so difficult to have a conversation that’s not laden with heartfelt abuses, that I give up after a few attempts. But I bet if my Period could talk...


The 'To NOT Do' Period List
Periods are not a happy time of the month. It’s stressful, painful, emotionally turbulent, and physically excruciating. Which is why, we have compiled a list of what not to do during your periods to make them sail smoother.
Early onset of Puberty and why you should care
Usually, girls reach puberty by the age of 10 to 14. But, the number of girls reaching puberty by the age of 7 or 8 has seen a steady rise in the last few years...This is likely to have a negative impact on health and psychology of the young girls.
Endometriosis - What is it, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Endometriosis is a complicated condition in which an abnormal tissue growth develops outside the uterus. The tissue or the lining that is present inside the uterus is known as endometrium. But, if the similar...