Menstrual Cup Experiences

Menstrual Cup- What Users Have to Say

Menstrual cups are quite popular these days and with many women talking about its merits, it’s difficult to say whether it’s just one of those products in vogue, like low-waist jeans and whether it is really worth the buzz it has created. It is important to learn about the 'know-how of a menstrual cup', this month, we have turned our attention to those women who have been using a menstrual cup to learn more from their experience. 

Menstrual Cup Experiences

  • Travel and the Menstrual Cup
    Twenty-two-year-old Yukti, a seasoned user of the cup, cannot stop gushing about how convenient it has made her life. “Long flights and conventional road trips have become so much easier with the” She does not forget to mention how, as a 19-year-old, she was terrified to use a cup for the first time. “The idea of practically inserting something so big and keeping it inside the vagina for a couple of hours was not the most enthralling of ideas. But there is a huge learning curve, and once I was comfortable, I didn't even notice it’s inside me.”
    • Shift from Sanitary Pads to Menstrual Cup
      Shweta, a 21-year-old, gushes about how comfortable her life is during long stints at work. “Initially, while using sanitary napkins, I would constantly be conscious about staining my pants and leaking, but with the menstrual cup, my day goes and I don’t have to worry about pads sticking up my butt or stain on my jeans. There is no constant feeling of dampness or any foul odor whenever I want to pee.” She does not forget to mention the initial hiccups. “I couldn’t get adjusted to the cup for a few months. I wasn’t sure if I had to fold it vertically or horizontally or needed some form of lubrication.

      When I finally got one inside, it was very uncomfortable. So, for months after that first experience, the idea of using a menstrual cup seemed daunting. Then, I saw one of my favorite youtubers make a tutorial on it and with the help of some more videos of how to use a menstrual cup, I finally got it right. It’s an experience that you have to explore yourself, since you know your body the best. Gradually, I was comfortable wearing a cup. And now, there’s just no going back.” 


      Menstrual cups - Environment Friendly

      Among some converts to the cup are those women, who have been thinking to switch due to their ecological and political perspective. According to them, not only are menstrual cups environment friendly, considering they have a shelf life of about 5-10 years, they also help you save money, given that it’s a one-time investment, as compared to pads or tampons, which one keeps buying every month.

      Twenty-three-year-old Shivani says: “For me, choosing not to buy tampons falls in line with my political views. A packet of pads that would earlier cost INR 100 now comes at a price of INR 88. How is it that something as fundamental as menstrual care, still costs this much?  With the cup, I don’t have to worry about stocking up my closet with tampons every couple of months, which also helps me keep my budget in check.” 

      Can Menstrual Cups cause TSS?

      However, not all are converts to the cup and some of the users do have pertinent questions about its use. Shruti, a 24-year-old medical student, voices her concern over Toxic Shock Syndrome or TSS, a situation that is caused by the growth of infectious bacteria, especially in those women who use a tampon. “Naturally, I was worried about TSS and what inserting a silicone-based cup would do to trigger that condition. 

      But, the more I read about it, I realized that menstrual cups collect blood instead of absorbing it. Essentially, absorption of blood through a tampon can cause infections, since it remains inside the vagina for a long time, thereby giving bacteria the time to grow and multiply, due to the trapped heat and moisture. Menstrual cups simply hold the blood. So, there are no chances of that happening in this case. Also, I have used menstrual cups only from companies using authorized, medical grade silicone for their cups which I think the best type of menstrual cup, which puts me in an even lesser risk for an infection of any sort, since it is soft to remove and won't cause any abrasions on the skin or vaginal walls.” 


      Should you Cupvert?

      These were just a few samples of why so many women are now choosing to shift to menstrual cups. The time has now come when women don’t need to choose from decade-long methods of period management products and can try something new, once in a while. It's a modern woman's aid! However, for the cup to be viable, it’s important that women come together and vouch for its expediency, so that their sisters become aware of its usage and versatility. For this, we have to make sure that many women have access to cleaner bathrooms and multiple sanitary care solutions. 

      Carmesi’s menstrual cup makes your periods hardly noticeable. It’s free of chemicals, dyes and perfumes and made from 100% biocompatible medical-grade silicone. It’s user friendly, cost effective and gynecologically approved, which makes it one of the best menstrual cups in the market.

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