Can you take the heat?

Can you take the heat?

As a child, I loved Summers, almost as much as I hate them as an adult. I loved visiting my grandparents, staying in bed beyond 6am, the annual family vacation, and reading my Nancy Drews while sipping on some ice-cool Mango Frooti. Heck! I even loved the way my voice turned robotic in front of an air-cooler.

But as an adult, Summers are nothing but that time of the year when lipsticks in my purse are replaced with carry-on deodorants, and flip-flops become my fashion statement. Well, we cannot escape the season, but we sure can be ready for it. Let’s explore some tips and tricks to keep our cool when the heat waves strike.

- Cotton. Cotton.

No matter what size you are, boob sweat is inescapable. And so, the first order of business has to be cotton undergarments. Both, your breasts and your vagina hate Summers as much as I do. Wearing breathable fabric ensures that your beauties know that you love them. For the boob sweat, just dab some talcum powder before putting on the brassiere.

 - Hydrate

The most basic, yet unmissable tip. Get a bigger handbag if you must but carry a bottle of water with you at all times (maybe not to the movies). If drinking too much water makes you feel too full or uncomfortable, keep a straw at your desk. Or even better, get yourself a Mason Jar. I usually store a box of Glucon-D at work. It ain’t no Frooti but it does the trick.

- Get a razor (or don’t)

Growing your body hair out or keeping it smooth is your choice. But if you are on the furrier side and prefer the latter, invest in a good razor. It will not make your hair grow out thicker and it won’t scar you if handled with care. But it will save you from salon trips and give you the freedom to pick a sleeveless outfit at any time.

- Scratch the itch

The hot weather can cause vaginal itchiness. Make sure you keep antifungal dusting powders and creams at hand. Wash and dry your vagina with a tissue or cotton cloth before applying the powder. Also, there is no shame in buying a tube of Itch Guard. If you observe any chaffing, dab some to the affected area and embrace your adulthood.

- Cover up

I am sure you know the importance of Sunscreen and I need not remind you again. But you must also always keep your head covered if you’re out in the sun. Hats, fancy scarves, an old dupatta or a dark umbrella. Take your pick and stick with it.

- Fruit Binge

Drinking water is not the only way to keep your body hydrated. Slice up a water melon, soak some grapes in ice-cold water or put them in the freezer for a couple hours (oh my!). Or better yet, grab a spoon and scoop yourself some Mango!!! Up your intake of fruits this season.

- Rock that cellulite

Don’t let someone else’s opinion of your body stop you from dressing for your comfort. It’s the season of free limbs! The only two questions you should ask yourself before putting on a pair of shorts or a sleeveless top are a) Do I want to wear this? and b) Do I have enough sunscreen!

- Go natural

Go light on the makeup and keep your look fresh and carefree. Did you know that fruit peels make for a great face wash? Next time you peel an orange or smash open a water melon, just rub the peel on your face, keep on for a few minutes and wash it off. Also, don’t dismiss your lip-care even if you go lighter on the moisturizer. Your lips still need that balm.

- Period-ready

Using harsh synthetic pads during your period can irritate your skin and cause chaffing and even rashes. But this can be easily avoided if you use sanitary napkins made with Natural components. Carmesi pads are free of harmful synthetics, and are extremely soft and comfortable. Which means that with them, periods won’t be so harsh on you this Summer.


Maybe Summers are not so bad. Maybe all that I really miss is the holidays. Truth be told, there’s a lot about Summers that’s actually quite good. Like Mangoes, ice-creams, the constant whirring of the ceiling fan that kills out all the other spooky sounds you otherwise hear at night, the new shower gels you invest in because you most definitely would like bathing more often, and the true appreciation of the glorious Winters.

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