Flowing Thoughts

Acids in Acne Care: Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is a common and widely used ingredient in treating acne that ranges from mild to severe. It is an FDA approved bactericidal substance, meaning that it kills off...
Your Period Doesn’t Stop in Water: What to Use, Other Myths and More
If you’ve ever wondered about swimming during your period, you may have had a lot of questions circle your mind...
Do Hair, Skin, and Nail Vitamins Really Work? What Dermatologists Recommend
With the vitamin supplements market gaining traction, it becomes important to take a deep dive into what works and what doesn’t. Thanks to celebrity endorsements and social media....
Mind the Monsoon
Before you venture out in the rain with your Neon raincoats and psychedelic umbrellas, here are a few things you might want to keep in mind. Trust us, just these few things in check and monsoons will be even more marvelous.
Things you Should Know About Periods
Do not start with the ‘Ugh! That’s disgusting.’ We all know how much you boys like your Zombie movies and post-apocalyptic video games. So why is it so hard to stomach our period stories? Strap up boys because this, you NEED to read.
Stop the 'Man' from Mansplaining
Mansplaining is very much in use these days and is a self-explanatory concept, which simply means that moment when a man tries to explain something to a woman...
Quarantine & Mental Wellbeing
With words like ‘social distancing’, ‘flatten the curve’, ‘isolation’ and so on filling our screens and vocabularies, the COVID-19 situation has definitely put the world in an unusual spot. The idea of nearly all of humanity contained in self-imposed house arrests...
We all have fond memories of our childhood. My best ones though, come with a pinch of salt. Because as I was growing up, I was constantly mocked and teased by my relatives and teachers about how short I was. Every time I topped my class, or when I was chosen...
Understanding Gender Roles
Gender roles have been around for centuries. A quick look back at the history of civilization shows us that traditionally, men have been the fixers of the world and women, the nurturers. And while there have been exceptions to this standard pattern...
Women's 'breast' friend - The Bra
Make your way into any lingerie store today and you will find countless varieties on display - be it padded, push-ups, or strapless bras, amongst others. The bra or ‘brassiere’ has evolved from once being a functional piece of clothing to a fashion accessory today... 
Aren't women 'empowered' already?
You see us today, walking in our tic-toc heels, smashing stereotypes with the swing of our expensive handbags. You see us today, rolling our eyes at men who expect us to sit at home and be the good wife. You see us today...
Marriage v/s Independence
Popular opinion says that the independent woman is someone who is able to pay her own bills, live on her own money, and take care of herself without depending on anyone else for financial support. But there’s more to this label that just the financial aspect...
When does a UTI become severe?
UTIs can be painful and uncomfortable — they can tamper with your daily routines — but sometimes they can have more severe implications than expected. When a UTI — often an untreated one — spreads from the bladder to the kidneys, it can become severe...
Kindness Is Empowering

It was on a Tuesday, back in 1994, that I first learned about the power of kindness. Nope. Not true. I have no memory of any Tuesdays of 1994. I was 4, in 1994. I didn’t even fully understand the concept of a week, in 1994. Here’s the thing about kindness, though...

Educating Sons About Women's Health
Yes, you read that right. A woman’s health is not only her business but also of everyone else in her life, including the men. You must have read or heard that bit about a happy woman making a happy home. Let us rephrase that – a healthy woman makes a happy home.
Importance of Natural Period Wear
Our lives today revolve around green smoothies, working out in the gym, or counting calories. While this is a great step towards a healthier lifestyle, there are other pertinent issues that we continue to neglect, including natural period wear.
India's acceptance of Homosexuality
The law can legislate and wise men in the courts can pass orders; but the real test of the acceptance of any verdict is in the court of the people and that of society at large. Public acceptance is everything. Especially when any law is passed that is regarded as contrary...
Impact of Breast Cancer on Mental Health
In 1982, Parvaty Ramanathan at 38 was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It was in an advanced stage and options for treatment of breast cancer were very limited. She underwent mastectomy. Parvaty survived.
Q&A with Dr. Supriya Tiwari on PCOS
PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is an endocrine disorder that affects one in every ten women. With this article, we have tried to answer the most common questions that women have, about PCOS.
I am NOT Wonder Woman
What is it that still holds us back? Our rearing, the work environment, lack of support, or all of it? Simone de Beauvoir in ‘the Second Sex’ rightly says, “One is not born a woman, but becomes one”.  
Damn the Biological Clock!
Open the dating app of your preference and you’ll see it chock-full of 30+ year olds, still very single and ready to mingle. With career catch-up and social salsa on the cards, marriage is a distant thought, and having kids even further.