Flowing Thoughts

Different Types of Contraception
Indians love big families. Households with everyone living under one roof in blissful harmony have adorned our TV screens for decades. But no matter how rosy the picture, we can't overlook the fact that we have a population crisis.
Beauty and the Cellulite
Being in a trial room often makes one feel like being on trial. Guilty as charged for trying on a pair of jeans that refuses to button up. For the cellulite on our thighs and the stretch...
When 1 night took away 23 years of shame
As a woman in her mid-twenties living alone in a metro, I have had a lot of moments in my life when I introspected the things that matter to me, the beliefs I want...
The Clitoris - Structure & Different Clitoris Shapes
Our bodies are truly fascinating - while we look out for external sources to enhance our sexual pleasure, little do we know that it’s our own body that can do so much more! Let’s cut to the chase. In case you’ve used a hand mirror or even examined your genital area...
Intimate Hygiene - How to Take Care of Intimate Hygiene ?
A woman’s body undergoes a series of hormonal changes throughout her menstrual cycle, and even post that. You may have thought of ‘life after periods’ to be a bed of roses, but that’s not true, ladies! Once a woman enters the menopausal stage, there are dramatic shifts...
Climate Change and the Menstrual Cycle
It’s not uncommon to hear of a 28-day period as the normal, healthy duration of a menstrual cycle. In truth, your cycle may almost never hit the 28-day mark month after month. This is because the smallest things can upset the delicate balance of hormones...
Period Myths in India - Some Best & Worst Examples

Once a month, women bleed in a natural biological dance that signifies - “hey, no baby for you this time!” Simple? Well. yes. But over the decades, people have been incredibly innovative in interpreting what it could mean instead. 

Nutrition & Body Positivity
 Our culture is seemingly obsessed with washboard abs and skinny waists that seem too good to be true. These perceived ideals of beauty have taken over our lives, so much so that nutrition and being fit have almost always been ignored.
How do female athletes manage their Period?
Female athletes have grown in number over the last decade and it’s truly a matter of pride for us womenfolk! While this is a sign of empowerment, there are certain things that still remain unchanged. A subject like periods is rarely discussed and continues to stay...
Seed Cycling - What is it, Working & Benefits
As the name suggests, Seed Cycling is all about consuming a variety of seeds at different times of the month to balance certain hormones in your body. A naturopathic remedy, Seed Cycling helps in regulating estrogen in the first half of your menstrual cycle, and...
Parts of the Vagina - Anatomy, Structure, Function
Do you know what your vagina looks like? It’s understandable if you don’t.  It’s hard to crane your neck all the way to check on what’s going on down there. So let’s rephrase. Do you know what any vagina looks like?
Pelvic Floor Drop - What Does It Mean?
The group of muscles around your pelvis, in the shape of a hammock, to keep all your pelvic organs in place is referred to as the “pelvic floor”...
Effective Natural Oils: The Ubiquitous Coconut Oil
You could be from any part of the world but must have surely heard of coconut oil and its thousand benefits for the entire body...
Bartholin’s Cyst - Causes, Symptoms & How To Heal It?
Surrounding the vagina is a set of pea-sized glands that help with its lubrication and keep your vagina moist...
Lady Parts & Female Vagina Parts
Vagina, vulva, ‘lady parts’, ‘womanhood’, whatever you like to call it- the female genitalia is indeed a source of wonder. However, our society is still characterized by a certain reluctance to talk about things as intimate, leading to several misconceptions and myths.
What is the bravest decision taken in your life?

I am 30, unmarried, and I work with dogs for a living. This was not my plan. I come from a family where not just girls, even boys get married right out of college. So when I  told my parents I wanted to work, they were hesitant.

Uncovering the Benefits and Myths of Using Silk Pillowcases for Hair Health
Throughout history, royalty and the noblemen have regularly loved donning outfits made of silk. This fondness for silk can be attributed to its smooth and...
Mothers and Daughters - A tale of finding each other
Mother-daughter is an oft eulogised, little understood relationship. Popular media mostly paints it in two prominent ways, the best friend mom or the guide/mentor...
To Gua Sha or Not to Gua Sha?
Recently there has been a lot of buzz about this stone tool that has been known for its enriching skin benefits. Gua sha is a traditional Chinese treatment ...
Facial Razors for Women: Everything You Need to Know
Ladies, it's time to ditch the regular razor. Have you heard about facial razors? If not, you are in for a treat! Facial razors are an absolute must-have for anyone...
The Story Behind: The Perfect Waxed Look
Waxing has been around for centuries in some form or another, but it's really made a comeback in recent times thanks to celebrities like Christina Aguilera...