Flowing Thoughts

Nipple Shields for Nursing: What is it, Benefits, How to Use, Why to use
People often leave out the harsh truths about breastfeeding when discussing the topic. There is so much out there about the bonding experience, but realities like...
Libido - How to Increase Female Libido - Low sex drive in women
Your libido refers to your sex drive or sexual desire and dictates how frequently you feel like engaging in sexual activities. Everyone has a different libido, but on...
PMS vs. PMDD: What's the Difference and Which is Worse?
You may notice a variety of symptoms affecting you a week or so before you are about to bleed. These may include general mood swings, acne, tender breasts...
Bikini Wax at Home: Should You, Or Shouldn't You? - A Complete Guide
Shaving your pubes is a quick and easy option for hair removal down there, but if not done effectively, it can potentially lead to razor burns and ingrown hair...
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - PMS Explained
About one to two weeks before you are due to bleed, a group of physical and emotional symptoms can affect you, that usually go away when your period...
Sex After Delivery: What to Expect, How Long to Wait, Tips, Is it Safe?
It is natural to want to jump right into sex after you’ve given birth, especially if your pregnancy affected your sex life quite a lot. But, it is not advisable to...
Losing Your Sex Drive During Pregnancy: Should You be Worried?
Pregnancy can bring with it an entire range of experiences starting from bodily changes, mood swings, morning sickness, fatigue and even painful breasts. But...
Morning Sickness: When does Morning Sickness Start after Conception?
During pregnancy, it is very common to experience nausea and vomiting, especially in the first trimester. This infamous symptom of pregnancy is known...
Period-Like Bleeding During Early Pregnancy: Is It Normal? Causes and Signs of Implantation Bleeding
While it is not normal for you to have period-like bleeding during pregnancy, light bleeding early in the first trimester is actually very common and usually not...
Whitehead: Causes, How do you get rid of whiteheads?
Whiteheads can be more frustrating than blackheads because they are closed at the surface. They develop when dead skin cells, dirt and excess oil clog the...
Blackheads: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments - All you need to know
While all forms of acne are annoying, blackheads are like the forbearers of full-blown acne which ridiculously crop up, sometimes in abundance, around the...
Ingrown Hair After Waxing: How To Stop Ingrown Hair After Waxing
Waxing is one of the most popular and effective hair-removal methods, the results of which lasts for a longer time than most other methods. This is...
Period Acne: Causes, Types, Treatment - Taking Care of Your Acne During Period
As if bleeding for about 7 days was not punishment enough, periods had to come with a host of PMS symptoms, one of the fun ones being acne! Now...
Calcium Supplements for Women: Sources, Deficiency, Uses, Effects, and More
Remember that old 90s ad that went “Doodh hai wonderful”? Well, recent research suggests that milk may not be as wonderful for adults as we were led...
5 Myths About Women's Supplements
What, exactly, are supplements? There is a steady flow of miscommunication in the market regarding what supplements really are. Some people are under the impression that they are a group of steroids or steroid-like substances that gym buffs use to...
Fish Oil: Overview, Uses, Side Effects - Supplements for Women
Sounds a bit gross, doesn’t it? Also, brings to mind the numerous Sundays spent grocery shopping in the seafood aisle. As delicious as a warm plate of...
Low Estrogen: Causes, Effects, and Treatment Options
Estrogen is a primary reproductive hormone commonly associated with females, however, it is found in small quantities in the male body as well...
Progesterone 101: How Does Progesterone Affect My Period and Fertility
Progesterone, often referred to as the “pregnancy hormone”, is one of the naturally found hormones in the female body. It plays a vital role in menstruation...
Period Symptoms - Signs Your Period Is Coming
Every month, since the onset of puberty, a woman’s uterine line breaks down and sheds in the form of blood and tissue from the vagina anywhere from 2 to 7...
False Negative Pregnancy Test: Reasons Why it May Happen
The news of pregnancy is a reason for celebration! There will be millions of emotions building up inside you once you catch a tint of the pregnancy...
How Early Is Too Early To Start Hair Removal - What is the Right Age to Start Hair Removal?
Women, irrespective of age, find themselves in spots that constantly push them towards actualizing “womanhood”. But the question remains- how much of it...