Flowing Thoughts

Menstrual Cup: Modern Woman's need to Cupvert
It’s no wonder that whosoever thought of the idea of inserting a device in a woman’s vagina for collecting the blood, back in the early 1900s, was definitely a maverick way ahead of their times and were heavily...
Sticky Vaginal Discharge – All You Need to Know
Many people experience bloating before period and vaginal discharge. Pain in the lower tummy and around the belly button is called cramping. It is common to...
Female Condom vs Male Condom - Effectiveness, advantages, and tips
Condoms are one of the most widely used methods of contraception and are the only contraceptive that can provide protection against sexually transmitted...
Vaginismus - Causes & Problems | Vaginismus Vs Dyspareunia
While most of the cinema and pop culture glorifies how amazing sex is, they rarely talk about its reality, as a result of which, we expect sex to be a glamorous ritual of pleasure. No one talks about problems and adversities...
Vaginal Smell: Everything You Need to Know
If commercials had you believe that your vagina should be smelling like freshly bloomed flowers, then you couldn’t be farther from the truth. Considering the...
PCOS Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid, PCOS Diet
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a metabolic disorder that is marked by multiple cysts in the ovary. The person affected by PCOS has a hormonal...
Can You Have Menstrual Cramps After Your Period?
Cramps before or during periods is actually a very common PMS symptom that is experienced by anywhere from 16-91% of menstruators. But, sometimes it...
When to Start Using Tampons - How Old Should You be to Use Tampons?
 tampon is among the insertion period products that are small, soft and cylindrical in shape. They are designed to be pushed into the vagina, where they...
Bloating Before a Period: Causes, Treatment Options
One of the most common PMS symptoms, bloating occurs just before your period is about to start. But, it’s not necessary that you will experience bloating...
What is Hyperovulation? - Causes, Signs of Hyperovulation, Supplements
Usually, every menstrual cycle, your ovaries release only one egg that, under normal circumstances, waits to get fertilized. But, in some cases, more than one...
Breast Tenderness - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments
Sometimes your breasts may feel raw, tender or experience pain when touched even mildly or with no stimulation. This is a common issue that many people ...
Libido - How to Increase Female Libido - Low sex drive in women
Your libido refers to your sex drive or sexual desire and dictates how frequently you feel like engaging in sexual activities. Everyone has a different libido, but on...
PMS vs. PMDD: What's the Difference and Which is Worse?
You may notice a variety of symptoms affecting you a week or so before you are about to bleed. These may include general mood swings, acne, tender breasts...
Morning Sickness: When does Morning Sickness Start after Conception?
During pregnancy, it is very common to experience nausea and vomiting, especially in the first trimester. This infamous symptom of pregnancy is known...
Blackheads: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments - All you need to know
While all forms of acne are annoying, blackheads are like the forbearers of full-blown acne which ridiculously crop up, sometimes in abundance, around the...
Calcium Supplements for Women: Sources, Deficiency, Uses, Effects, and More
Remember that old 90s ad that went “Doodh hai wonderful”? Well, recent research suggests that milk may not be as wonderful for adults as we were led...
Low Estrogen: Causes, Effects, and Treatment Options
Estrogen is a primary reproductive hormone commonly associated with females, however, it is found in small quantities in the male body as well...
Progesterone 101: How Does Progesterone Affect My Period and Fertility
Progesterone, often referred to as the “pregnancy hormone”, is one of the naturally found hormones in the female body. It plays a vital role in menstruation...
Period Symptoms - Signs Your Period Is Coming
Every month, since the onset of puberty, a woman’s uterine line breaks down and sheds in the form of blood and tissue from the vagina anywhere from 2 to 7...
10 Good Hygiene Practices For A Germ-Free Period
According to UNICEF (a United Nations agency), every month, 1.8 billion people across the world menstruate. Millions of these girls, women, transgender men...
Aphrodisiacs - 8 Easily Available Aphrodisiacs You Need to Try
If you have seen commercials and shows that flaunt foods like chocolates and strawberries as sex symbols, then you may have some idea of the fact that...