Flowing Thoughts

What are Blemishes, and How Can You Get Rid of Them?

Any form of spot, stain, discolouration, or imperfection that develops on the skin is referred to as a blemish. Although blemishes are unsightly and might make you feel unpleasant, the majority...


Why Do You Have Severe Cramps a Week Before Your Period?
Food cravings, unusual mood swings and white discharge are a normal part of a period for many people. To an extent, some people even experience cramps a few days before their period...
How Do I Use Tampons, Pads, Period Underwear, and Menstrual Cups?
Under the umbrella of “feminine hygiene products”, you’d find tampons, pads, menstrual cups and period underwear. They are designed to collect or absorb your flow and keep you dry...
Types of B vitamins: Functions, Sources, and Deficiencies
B vitamins are an essential set of eight nutrients that play a function in a variety of organs and body systems. Although they can collaborate to work for bodily...
Vitamins and Nutrients for Hair and Skin Growth
Probably most of us covet healthy-looking hair and skin, and you may be wondering if it’s worth investing in vitamins that promise wonders...
Perimenopause - Symptoms, Treatments & Premenopause vs Perimenopause
Menopause is not a phenomenon that happens all of a sudden one fine day. The body has to go through a transition phase termed as ‘menopausal transition’...
How to Insert a Menstrual Cup - Choose The Right Size
A menstrual cup is a reusable rubber or silicone cup that is inserted into the vagina. It collects the period blood without disrupting the pH of the intimate area...
How do we track Ovulation? Ovulation Predictor
Ovulation is the process of release of the egg from the female ovary, which may or may not be fertilized by a sperm. It usually occurs 4 days before or after the midpoint of one’s menstrual cycle and can last up to 3 - 6 days. It’s the best time to get pregnant and therefore...
10 Reasons to See a Dermatologist and Why it is Important
One day, you walk up to the mirror and notice brown spots on your face. Or, you brush your hair and your comb collects way more strands than it should...
How to Protect Your Hair While Sleeping
if you thought your hair needed care only during the day, when the sun is strong and pollution is at its peak, you couldn’t have been more wrong...
How to Grow Hair Faster - Tips for Growing Longer Hair with Biotin
Long, healthy, and thick hair is probably a lot of people’s dreams but growing Rapunzel strands aren’t as easy as it looks on screen...
Essential Vitamins for Hair Growth: Vitamin D, C, B7 (Biotin), B9, B12
Deficiencies in some vitamins can cause hair loss or thin, brittle hair, despite the fact that there is no evidence that they can support hair growth...
How to Grow Eyebrows Thicker: 10 Simple Ways to Do So

What was once thought of as a mere trend - big, bushy brows have now become a style. Everyone seems to be after lush, thick eyebrows because they can bring out your eyes...


How to Test Your Skin Type at Home? Determine Your Skin Type
The different skin types were first identified in the early 1900s. And, even as different alternatives began emerging over the years, the original ones continue...
Glycolic Acid Essentials: When, How, and Why Use It?
Glycolic acid belongs to the alpha-hydroxy acid family of naturally occurring acids (AHAs). Because of their pore-cleaning qualities, AHAs such as citric acid...
UTI vs Yeast Infection : What's the difference?
The nether regions of a woman are such a mystery that at times. But pain, discomfort and itchiness down there when it’s not that time of the month can only mean two things: UTI or Yeast Infection...
Hormonal Acne - What is it & Some Hormonal Acne Diet
Let’s face it, acne can be a cause of immense pain, causing sleepless nights and unnecessary stress for whose life it afflicts. For no one likes waking up to red boils and God forbid if someone points out how your acne is acting up, especially more so if you are in a group! 
Dry Skin on Legs: Causes and How to Find Relief from Dry, Flaky Legs
Dry skin can plague any person at any time, especially during colder weather. Your legs can become especially dry due to a lot of a variety of reasons and itchy, flaky...
How to Treat Lip Hyperpigmentation? - Causes of Dark Lips

If you have often looked into the mirror and wondered why your lips appear unnaturally dark, you’re probably dealing with a condition of lip...


Can Women Wear a Menstrual Cup with an IUD Condition?
An IUD is a medical device that is implanted in a woman's womb or uterus for contraception or non-contraceptive health reasons. They might be a good...
Sex During Periods - Major Tips for Sex during Period
The idea that a woman can have sex during her periods may sound repulsive to a lot of people and even though it may raise some idealistic questions, the truth is that indulging in period sex has many advantages. Many women report experiencing...