Flowing Thoughts

Facial Razors for Women: Everything You Need to Know
Ladies, it's time to ditch the regular razor. Have you heard about facial razors? If not, you are in for a treat! Facial razors are an absolute must-have for anyone...
Home Massages for Period Relief
Every woman has a unique relationship with their “time of the month.” As a person who bleeds every month, one of the things you're likely to dread about...
Turn Your Male Partner Into Your Ally During Periods
It's not easy being a menstruator. Not only do menstruators have to deal with cramps, mood swings and of course, their period, but they also have to worry about the reactions...
10 Tips for Clearing Acne in Darker Skin Tones
Acne is a persistent hormonal issue that plagues millions over the planet, but it can pose additional challenges for people with darker skin tones...
Medicines That Can Affect Your Periods

You religiously track your cycle and have planned the perfect vacation around it. You look inside your period tracker app and see that it’s almost time for Aunt Flo’s monthly visit...

Why Chocolate May Not be Your Best Friend during Periods?
Periods are a natural function of the human body, however, we know how taxing they can be at times! From Cramps to mood swings, things can get incredibly tough!...
Lifestyle Changes for Women

With improved healthcare and quality of life, women of today can expect to enjoy a greater life expectancy than the previous generations....


Are Blood Clots Normal During a Period?

Periods can bring a lot of uncomfortable symptoms and some of them may even end up worrying you. Blood clots may be one such cause for worry...


10 Facts About Your Period

About half of the population bleeds and yet, periods remain one of the least discussed topics, thanks to period shaming and myths. We agree that...


Dry Shaving VS Wet Shaving - What Works For Your Skin?
With the plethora of shaving equipment and accessories at our disposal, it is far too apparent that there is more than one way of shaving now. And clearly, what...
Acids in Acne Care: The Benefits of Salicylic Acid

If you have ever hunted for the best ingredients to treat acne, you may have come across salicylic acid. It is the only FDA approved beta-hydroxy acid...


Acids in Acne Care: Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is a common and widely used ingredient in treating acne that ranges from mild to severe. It is an FDA approved bactericidal substance, meaning that it kills off...
Your Period Doesn’t Stop in Water: What to Use, Other Myths and More
If you’ve ever wondered about swimming during your period, you may have had a lot of questions circle your mind...
The Acne Diet: What You Can Eat To Prevent Acne
Treating acne can be a consuming process. Since it cannot be eradicated overnight, patience and perseverance are something you cannot do away with...
Bruised Cervix: Pain, Symptoms and Treatment Options

A bruised cervix is not a common injury. However, you must be aware of the intricacies involved and know how to identify a bruised cervix in case it occurs. The pain...


Intertrigo: Rash under Breasts - Symptoms, Causes, How to Prevent & Treatment
It is a rash that occurs in the folds of the skin. Since there is moisture in these folds, it is an ideal spot for bacteria to breed. The rubbing of the skin can cause...
What are Reusable Menstrual Pads?
Reusable menstrual pads are pads that are made up of cloth. Since these are made up of cloth, these pads can be used several times. They do work the same as the regular pads....
Ovulation Kit: How to Choose the Right Fertility Predictor

Women who are looking for ways to monitor their fertility can definitely use an ovulation testing kit for accurate results. Sometimes, trying to conceive gives you anxiety...

When Do Girls Stop Growing? Height, Genetics, and What to Expect
Growth in females is an aspect that needs undivided attention. We must make an effort to normalize conversations around these issues so that girls around us do...
10 Warning Signs You May Have a Hormonal Imbalance
Hormones are the biological communicators in your body that assist to manage a variety of functions, including digestion, reproduction and hair growth. Hormones are created in the..
Hormonal Imbalance in Women: Causes, Symptoms, Tests, Treatment
Hormones are potent chemicals produced in the endocrine glands that go through your circulation informing tissues and organs what to do and are...