Flowing Thoughts

There are Major Health Benefits When You Masturbate on Your Period
Feeling horny on your period is common and, no matter what you’ve been taught, your period blood is nothing to be grossed out about...
Genital Herpes - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STI) that causes sores and fluid-filled bumps around the vagina that can...
Nipple Orgasms - What Are They, How to do Nipple Orgasm?
Nipples are one of the major erogenous zones in the human body that’s packed with nerve endings for an intense sensation. These very nerve endings make it...
Netflix & Women: Lessons From Sex Education
The hyped about Netflix show is only 3 seasons old and yet it has managed to talk more about sex and sex education than all our collective schools...
Bruised Cervix: Pain, Symptoms and Treatment Options

A bruised cervix is not a common injury. However, you must be aware of the intricacies involved and know how to identify a bruised cervix in case it occurs. The pain...


Clitoral Erections: Why It Happens, Can Girls Get Boners?
Right from our textbooks to porn to the meagre sex education provided in schools, the penile erection has always been on the forefront and even almost...
Ways You Can Cultivate More Sexual Wellness
Not having a debt doesn’t mean that you are wealthy. Not having a disease doesn't mean that you are healthy. Not having any sexual disorders doesn’t...
Best Sex Positions for Overweight People
Sex should be enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their shape and size. But, not all positions are possible for everyone, which is why it’s important to...
How to Masturbate - A Guide to Female Masturbation
If you are wondering what masturbation is and how to get started, then you’ve come to the right place. There is nothing greater than self-love and masturbation...
Libido - How to Increase Female Libido - Low sex drive in women
Your libido refers to your sex drive or sexual desire and dictates how frequently you feel like engaging in sexual activities. Everyone has a different libido, but on...
Sex After Delivery: What to Expect, How Long to Wait, Tips, Is it Safe?
It is natural to want to jump right into sex after you’ve given birth, especially if your pregnancy affected your sex life quite a lot. But, it is not advisable to...
Aphrodisiacs - 8 Easily Available Aphrodisiacs You Need to Try
If you have seen commercials and shows that flaunt foods like chocolates and strawberries as sex symbols, then you may have some idea of the fact that...
Talking to your partner about sex - How to Improve Communication with Your Sexual Partner
It might often be easy to think that sex is an act that comes naturally to most creatures on this planet. So, how difficult can it be to have sex right?...
10 Intimacy Products Your Bedroom Needs Today!
Intimacy products have been around in the market for quite some time now and more people are interested in them than you may think...