Flowing Thoughts

How to Delay Periods Naturally - Some Techniques
There may be various reasons why you would want to delay your periods. Maybe a wedding to attend in a couple of days, or a vacation you were looking forward to...
Can You Get a Pap Smear on Your Period?
For more than 75 years, a Pap test or a Pap smear has been used as a screening test to detect cervical cancer. It checks the cells in the area to determine...
Face Oils That Are Efficacious: Almond Oil
People have been using almond oil for centuries. Packed with rich vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids, it is a versatile oil that benefits most skin types...
Vaginal Steaming - Is It For You?
Did you know, Gwyneth Paltrow is not just the leading lady in the Iron man franchise but also the lady leading women to steam their vaginas.
Everything You Need To Know About Vaginal Eczema
Itching around the vagina is very common especially after shaving, excessive use of pads, or even using intimate washes that contain fragrance....
Bartholin’s Cyst - Causes, Symptoms & How To Heal It?
Surrounding the vagina is a set of pea-sized glands that help with its lubrication and keep your vagina moist...
7 Ancient Ways To Wash And Condition Your Hair
We've all cherished the beauty secrets passed down from our parents and grandparents, but what about the forebear's treasures we don't know ...
Skin Care Routine by Age
The skin you were born with is not the one you are currently living with. As you age, your skin evolves and matures along with you....
Face Roller - Benefits, Risks, How to Do It?

A face roller often comes up when talking about improved skin elasticity. They typically have a smooth, cold surface and come in a range of materials. But, do they actually work?...

Experiencing Exponential Hair Fall But Don’t Know Why? Maybe You’re Combing Them Wrong!
Do you experience frequent hair loss and are persistent in finding what might be causing it? While hair fall is...
What are the Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Your Underarms?
Underarms have been a perpetual worry for many people on this planet. How do you make them less sweaty? What do you do when they get dark? Should you wax or shave......
Reusable Menstrual Disc - How Do They Work?
A menstrual disc is a contemporary type of period protection that has a distinctive shape. Rather than absorb blood like a tampon, it is meant to collect...
Can you use a Menstrual Cup if You Have a Lot of Blood Clots During Your Flow?
A menstrual or period cup is a tiny, flexible cup that is meant to be put into the vagina during periods and is composed of silicone or latex rubber...
How to Use an Eyebrow Razor
Be it bushy brows, thin brows or anything in between, eyebrows play a powerful role in framing your face and defining the way you look. ...
10 Exercises That Can Get Rid of That Stubborn Double Chin
While often associated with weight gain, it isn’t the only factor at play when it comes to developing a double chin...
How to Avoid and Get Rid of Neck Lines

We are tormented by the constant thought of aging or aging too soon. And one of the prominent signs of aging is fine lines and wrinkles, especially in areas...


Why do I Have Acne Between My Eyebrows?
Acne can be annoying anywhere, but the ones in between your eyebrows can really stand out. If you’re a brow-enthusiast, you must have a strict grooming routine...
How to Create a Skincare Routine for Sensitive Skin

With numerous options in the skincare market to choose from, you may feel tempted, or even confused, regarding the products...


Tips for Cleaning and Unclogging Nose Pores
You may notice tiny blackheads or whiteheads clogging the pores on your nose, making them appear larger and more prominent...
Is Swimming Worsening Your Acne?
Swimming is a great exercise that’s also a career option for many. It keeps your muscles toned and is a fun activity to indulge in...
10 Tips for Clearing Acne in Darker Skin Tones
Acne is a persistent hormonal issue that plagues millions over the planet, but it can pose additional challenges for people with darker skin tones...